The Office of University Communications is the official source of the Campbellsville University style guide.

For questions or assistance, please contact Ed Goble at or (270) 789-5285.

Do's and Dont's


Acceptable Versions of the Logo

main logo, icon and logo. must never be separated, for vertical application only

Acceptable School-, College-, and Office-Specific Logos

Make sure to use the Arial font! Or contact University Communications for one to be made.

Acceptable school, college and office logos

Tips for Scaling or Resizing

To scale or resize a logo, click the corner of the logo on your screen and press the SHIFT key on your keyboard. Holding BOTH BUTTONS down, scale the logo accordingly. Let go of the Mouse first. DON'T let go until it's the right size!

Scaling/resizing a logos instructions


Don't Use Old Logos

Old logos

Don't Stretch/Distort; Rearrange Elements; Make Transparent; Tilt or Skew; Change Official Colors; Resize Elements; Re-Stack Elements or Other Logos; Remove Elements; Use White or Cool Gray Logos with Light Background; Use Main, Black or Pantone Logos with Dark Background

CU Style Guide 1

Campbellsville University Logo

There are several versions of the Campbellsville University logo. Please read the following usage guides to make sure you are using the appropriate version.

Main Logo

Various CU logos in different colors

Download Assets:  For Screen (low-res)  For Print (high-res)  Main Logo

Chapel Icon with Logo

Various Chapel Icons with Logos

Download Assets:  For Screen (low-res)  For Print (high-res)  Main Logo

Regional Education Centers

Casey County Education Center

Various CU Casey County Education Center logos
Download Assets:  All Logos  Main Logo

Harrodsburg Conover Center

CU Harrodsburg Conover Center

Download Assets:  All Logos  Main Logo

Hodgenville Brockman Center

various CU Hodgenville Brockman Center logos

Download Assets:  All Logos  Main Logo

Louisville Education Center

Various CU Louisvlle Center Logos

Download Assets:  All Logos  Main Logo

Somerset Noe Center

Various CU Somerset Noe Center logos

Download Assets:  All Logos  Main Logo

Athletics Logos

CU Tigers, Lady Tigers, Tiger Paw, More Than a Game

Various CU Athletic Logos

Download Assets:  Main Logos  Secondary Logos

University Seal

The official seal of the University should be used in conjunction with historic or formal academic events, and on official University documents, such as diplomas, transcripts, official records, programs for formal academic events or formal invitations, and legally binding documents.

The official University seal is not a logo and should never be used as one. It should never be used in place of the official logo of Campbellsville University.

If you wish to use the seal as a graphic element, contact the Office of University Communications at (270) 789-5213 and materials will be made available.

The seal is Campbellsville University's historical emblem. Designed by alumnus Scotty Lane Coconaugher Clenney, '63, it features a campus scene in a triangle surrounded by a proclamation of the universal attributes of fellowship, leadership and scholarship, the words “Campbellsville University” and the date and place of the University's founding, 1906, Campbellsville, Kentucky. The official seal is a revered symbol of Campbellsville University, emblematic of its historic roots and widely recognized through long use.

Official University Colors

Pantone 202c and Cool Grey 5 are the traditional colors of the university.
We have also created a color palette of acceptable colors for use in print and digital that expand the original palette.

Maroon - CMYK  31  100  72  32  | RGB  133  22  50  |  HEX  851632

Grey - CMYK  0 0 0  80  |  RGB  88 89 91  |  HEX  58595b (this grey is 80% black. 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% are also acceptable)
Yellow - CMYK  5  16  71  0  |  RGB  243  208  103  |  HEX  f3d067

Green - CMYK  55  21  40  1  |  RGB  121  166  156  |  HEX  79a69c
Orange - CMYK  0  47  80  0  |  RGB  248  154  73  |  HEX f89a49
Blue - CMYK  65  12  21  0  |  RGB  80  176  194  |  HEX  50b0c2
Gold -  CMYK  13  39  84  0  |  RGB  22  161  71  |  HEX  dea147

Download Color Examples

CU colors-rev-5324